Everything you ever wanted to know about NYCP choirs (and probably more).

Q: How much singing experience do I need to join?

A: None. Zip. Nada. You just need to love singing, laughing and coming out on a school night.


Q: Is it totally a cappella?

A: Nope. Sure, we’ll go the unplugged route sometimes, if the song is asking for it, but usually there’s a guitar or piano involved.


Q: What if I don’t know what part I sing?

A: Give it your best guess, and if it feels too low or high for your voice, you can always change sections. 


Q: Is this a church thing?

A: Not remotely. No disrespect to church choirs, but we pride ourselves on being fun, a little bit hip, and affiliation-free. Anyone can join, provided they’re into pop, rock, alternative and other music like it. (Although it might be fun to hear Cheap Thrills on a pipe organ.)


Q: Do you use sheet music?

A: Occasionally, but usually not. Since not everyone is able to read music, and all of the arrangements are “bespoke,” we usually find it easier to work without it.


Q: How many songs do I have to learn?

A: We typically work on 5-6 new songs simultaneously each cycle and bring back some favorites from previous cycles. (So if you’re new, that would be about 8-10 songs.) If that sounds like a lot, never fear; if we don’t feel like everyone has a song down, we don’t have to perform it in our shows.


Q: Why do you work on multiple songs at once?

A: We want everyone to feel involved each session, so if it takes longer than expected to learn one part of one song, we’ll move on to another song (and come back to the other in the next session), so everyone gets equal singing time. Plus, people can’t always make it to every session (hey, it’s New York; you’re busy); this way no one is left in the dark.


Q: How many sessions are in a cycle?

A: About 10 or 11, usually, depending on school holidays. We’re not affiliated with the school system, but working around their calendar is easier for parents. (And has always worked fine for the kid-free.)


Q: How many cycles are there in a year?

A: About three to four, depending on show venues available and the number of rehearsal sessions we can get in.


Q: What’s the deal with performances?

A: They rock! (Wait, was that not the question?) At the end of each cycle, we give a public performance. At least twice a year the shows will be in music venues, while other performances may be a bit more casual (e.g. event or coworking spaces, outdoor festivals and fairs, parties, etc.)


Q: I’m audience shy. Is the performance mandatory?

A: Not at all. You do you. You can sing for the joy of it and still skip the spotlight.


Q: Do I have to attend all the sessions to perform?

A: No, we don’t have a hard attendance policy. Hey, things come up.

BUT (we like big buts), you should come as often as possible if you want to get the most out of the experience. You’ll sound better, feel better, and be more in tune (literally) with the rest of the choir.


Q: Can I try it before signing up?

A: Sure! If we have space, you can ‘drop in’ to a current cycle. If not you can arrange to visit one of our choirs before signing up for a future cycle. Get in touch for more info.


Q: How soon can I join?

A: That depends on which of the choirs you’re interested in and how full they are. If we’re at capacity, we’ll put you on the waitlist for the next cycle. And if any fun events come up in the meantime, you’ll be first(ish) to know.