“The NYCP is a dream come true. After singing a capella in college, I searched for years for a fun place to sing with friends. I am so incredibly fortunate to have found my musical home.”  




It’s all about that beautiful mix.

You might remember mixtapes (or your parents do) as this amazing way to curate your favorite music, back in the day. They were a mix (hence the name) of musical styles, artists and eras that you got to choose yourself.

But they were always more than that. Because a mixtape meant connection and affection — when you liked someone, you made them a mixtape. Whether it was for a major crush, a BFF, or even to show your dad what the “kids today” were listening to, making those tapes were an act of love.

Well, think of Mixtape Choir the same way. It’s a potpourri of pop, rock, indie and other faves (current and throwback alike). It’s a way to connect with new friends and with your hidden diva. And most of all, it’s an act of love, coming together to make beautiful harmonies that bring a bit more joy — and cool jams — into the world.

Because the choir is still in beta, so to speak, here’s what to expect:

  • In this first cycle, we’ll rehearse over 8 weeks – about enough time to learn 4 songs.

  • At the end, we’ll have a performance, but an informal one (site TBD), so there’s ZERO pressure.

  • The first two points aside, right now our focus is just on laughing, connecting, and letting you find your voice.

So all we have left to say is: get into the mix.



Info for Pilot Cycle

Venue: Brooklyn Centre Stage Dance Studio,
495 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215

Day: Tuesdays

Time: 7:30-9pm

Rehearsal Dates:
Oct 8, 15, 22, 29,
Nov 12, 19, 26
Dec 3, 10

Final Performance: For this initial cycle we will not have an official performance', but we will most likely host an ‘open rehearsal’ on the final date and invite some friends and family to come and check out what we have been working on!

Price: $176+ 3% (non-refundable) processing fee. The cycle fee can be paid in up to three installments and financial aid is available; please contact us for more info

Ability Level: All - no audition needed

NYCP choir members range from professionals to beginners and everyone in between. We generally teach our arrangements by ear (vs. using sheet music), so you don’t have to read music to join us.

Participants: Maximum 55 people.

How to get involved: Please get in touch for info about joining our Fall 2024 cycle.

Questions: Check out our FAQs or get in touch

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